About Department of Archaeology

Contact Information
Email: archeo@juniv.edu
Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University offers undergraduate as well as MSS, M.Phil and PhD degrees in archaeology. It emphasizes an Archaeological and interdisciplinary approach, tailoring the program to the needs of the individual. Students are expected to take advantage of the considerable flexibility in program requirements. Theory, method and laboratory courses and field work are all regarded as important components in the curriculum of students in Archaeology, both undergraduate and graduate.
While the Department insists that all graduates become competent field archaeologists, it takes a broad view of the discipline. Besides many theses on aspects of geo-archaeology, pre- and proto-historic archaeology, others in recent years have focused on ancient art and architecture, archaeo-botany, bio-archaeology, environmental archaeology, historic archaeology, ethnology, ethnoarchaeology, iconography, Epigraphy and Numismatics , taphonomy, museum studies and heritage management- to mention only a few. The Department exercises discretion in admitting students and ensures that their interests relate to the research and teaching capabilities of the faculty. The Department of Archaeology is located on the 3rd floor of the New Arts Building at the centre of the main campus. For more information about the Department, its members, journal and its programs, we invite you to explore our web site.
Academic Programs
Archaeological Exploration at Egarosindhur in Pakundia Thanka of Kishorgonj
Apr 10, 2017Phd Seminar
Apr 10, 2017
Faculty Members

Dr. A K M Shahnawaz
Professor, Department of Archaeology

Dr. Sayed Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan
Professor, Department of Archaeology

Professor Dr. Md. Mozammel Hoque
Professor, Department of Archaeology

Dr. Mustafezur Rahaman Khan
Professor, Department of Archaeology

Sufi Mostafizur Rahman
Professor, Department of Archaeology
View All Faculty Members
Department of Archaeology have total 21 faculty members.