Dr. Sayed Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan Professor, Department of Archaeology
Academic: Syed Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan has been in the field of Geoarchaeology, conservation and preservation of Monuments related to Nation’s Heritage and Prehistoric Archaeology of Bangladesh, since last 20 years. He graduated with B.Sc (Honours) from the Department of Physics and subsequently completed his M.Sc from the same department of Jahangirnagar University in 1981 and 1982 respectively. He joined in the same department as a Lecturer. Later he obtained a scholarship from the Ford Foundation and completed his PhD from the Deccan College Post-Graduate Research Institute (DCPRI) of Poona University, India in 1993 on the topic entitling “A Study of Palaeolithic Site Formation Processes in Sub humid Environment of Central India with Special Reference to Samnapur Palaeolithic Site, Madhya Pradesh.” His highly praised PhD dissertation was supervised by Prof. S. N. Rajguru, one of the leading geoarchaeologists in South Asia. Then, he joined in the Department of Archaeology of Jahangirnagar University as an Assistant Professor in 1993. Now he has been engaged in teaching, doing research and developing geoarchaeological field in Bangladesh as Professor in the same department. He served as the Executive Editor of Pratnatattva, Volume 6 and 7, Journal of the Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University. Also got an opportunity to visit Institute of Archaeology, London as a visiting fellow and acquainted with their up to date techniques and research programs in various fields of Archaeology.
Administrative: Now serving as head Of SAC, Department of Archaeology, JU. Served as a Dean of Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Jahangirnagar University from September 2012 to May 2016. Also served as Syndicate member of Jahangirnagar University form November 2012 to May 2016 From 20th Jan 2003 to May 2008, he was serving as Provost of A F M Kamaluddin Hall, Jahangirnagar University and also continued to meet up the responsibilities as Proctor of Jahangirnagar University since 6th March 2005 to june 2008. Successfully completed the tenure as a Chairman of Department of Archaeology (8th May 1999 to 7th May 2002). Member of Academic Council of since 1996, Member of Senate (till 2009), Jahangirnagar University, member of finance committee (till 2009). Also elected as General Secretary of Jahangirnagar University Teachers Association in 1999 and successfully completed the term. In 2006 &2008 elected as Vice President of Jahangirnagar University Teachers’ Association. In 2012 served as an elected executive member of Jahangirnagar University Teachers Association.
Prof. Ahsan has specialised in different fields of Archaeology, supporting the investigation, surveys and locating archaeological records. His specific interests include the identification of environmental variables which influence the preservation and conservation conditions of archaeological records, Stone Ages Economy, Site Formation Processes of Archaeological Records, Quaternary Geoarchaeologyand Archaeological Theories & Methods. As a teacher, he has taught several theoretical and practical courses at the Under Graduate, Post Graduate and M.Phil levels in the Department of Archaeology. Among these courses, the most important are: Field Methods & Techniques in Archaeology, Landscape and cultural heritage preservation, conservation and management. Prehistory, Environmental Archaeology, Advanced Theories and Methods in Archaeology, Research Methodology, etc.
All Publications
2022 Engaging with the past beyond the comfort zone: early medieval
and medieval in the archaeological context of the northwestern part of Bengal ((Jointly with Swadhin Sen, Abir Bin Keysar and Ahmed Sharif) in the book entitled `The Archaeology of Early Medieval and Medieval South Asia: Contesting Narratives from the Eastern Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin (Essays in Honour of Professor Brajadulal Chattopadhyaya)’ edited by Prof. Swadhin Sen, Prof. Supriya Varma and Prof. Bhairabi Prasad Sahu, Routledge (Taylor Francis Group), India & UK.
2020 Vegetation Management for Archaeological Monuments and their Landscapes In Bangladesh : Some General Recommendations (jointly with Bulbul Ahmed) Pratnattva 26
2019 A Discernible Checklist of Vascular Plants at Ten Selected Archaeological Monuments and their Landscapes of Bangladesh (jointly with Feroza Hossain & Bulbul) Pratnattva 25
2017: Fossil wood artifacts and their locations at Chaklapunji, Sylhet : Recent observations (jointly with Jayanta Shingha Roy) in Prehistoric Research in the Indian Subcontinent: A Reappraisal and New Directions edited by K. Paddayya and Bishnupriya Basak, Primus Books, India.
2015: Alteration of the Alluvial Deposits of Wari-Bateshwar: Geoarchaeological Relevance of the Characterization of Grain Size and Clay Mineralogy (Jointly with Muhammad Kamal Hossen Akanda, Pierluigi Rosina, Pedrop. Cunha, Swadhin Sen) Pratnattva 21
2014: Garh (fortified settlements) of Bangladesh: Presentation of a Preliminary Database with Observations (jointly with Abir Bin Keysar) Pratnattva 20
2014: ‘Crossing the boundaries of the archaeology of Somapura Mahavihara: alternative approaches and proposition’ (jointly with Swadhin Sen, A K M Syfur Rahman) Pratnattva 20
2010: ‘Survey Archaeology in the Margin: construction and analysis of the initial database of the recognized and recorded archaeological data/places of present Biral Thana of Nothwestern part of Bangldesh (jointly with Swadhin Sen, K M Islam. Md. K H Akond & Ahmed Sharif) Selected Essays on History & Archaeology (edited by M M Hoque, A T M Atiqur Rahman & Seema hoque) CAHR, Dhaka Bangldesh
2008: ‘A Debate on Prehistory of Bangladesh’ (jointly with M M Hoque and Seema
Hoque) Pratnatattava 14.
2008: ‘A Preliminery Report and Analysis of the Archaeological Prospection at
Kshetlal UpaZilla,Jotpurhat district, Bangldesh’ (jointly with Afroza Khan Mita) Pratnatattva 14
2005: ‘Nature of Archaeological Records on Floodplain: A Geoarchaeological
Interpretation of Wari-Bateshwar, Bangladesh’ (jointly with Kamal Hossain Akand and Swadhin Sen), Pratnatattva 11.
2004: ‘Looking through the Water Logging Problem of Somapura Mahavihara:
An Evaluation of the Existing Drainage System’ (Jointly written with
Masood Imran, J. S. Roy and Wahid Palash). In Proceeding of
International Seminar on Elaboration of an Archaeological Research
Strategy for Paharpur World Heritage Site and it Environment
Organized by Department of Archaeology, Ministry of Cultural Affairs
and UNESCO, Dhaka.
2004: ‘Recent discovery of Fossil Wood Tools from Sukunna Mura (SM) of
Lalmai Hills.’ Pratnatattva, 10.
2003: ‘Prehistory’. In the Banglapedia (Bangladesh National Encyclopedia),
Edited by Sirajul Islam. Dhaka: Bangladesh Asiatic Society.
2003: ‘A Note on Ritual-Artifacts from Wari-Bateshwar’. (Jointly with Shah Sufi
Mostafizur Rahman and Habibullah Pathan). Pratnatattva, 9: 49-55
2002: ‘Interpreting the Landscape of Wari-Bateshwar: An Interrogation Using
GIS and Remote Sensing’ (Jointly with Masood Imran, Sheikh Md.
Manzurul Hoque and Swadhin Sen) Pratnatattva Vol.8
2002: ‘Architectural Conservation of Ahsan Manzil and the Venice Charter: A
Critical Discussion’ ( Jointly with Majeda Rahman) Pratnatattva Vol. 8
2001: ‘Contextual Perspective of Chaklapunji Prehistoric site’ (Jointly with J. S.
Roy). In Hakim Habibur Rahman Commemoration Volume edited by
E. Houque. International Centre for The Study of Bengal Art, Dhaka.
2000: ‘A Study of the Prehistoric Tools on Fossil Wood from Chaklapunji,
Hobiganj’ (Jointly with J. S. Ray) Pratnatattva Vol 6.
2000: ‘A Preliminary Report on Wari-Bateshwar Trial Excavation by
ICSBA’(Jointly with Enamul Haque, S. S. Mostafizur Rahman ) Journal
of Bengal Art, Vol.5 pp.283-315.
1999: ‘Prachalito Pratnasthal Dharanar Darshanik Bishleshan: Akti Parilekh’
(Philosophical analysis of conventional notion of Archaeological site: an
outline) [Jointly with M. K. Ahsan and A. T. M. A. Rahman)
Pratnatattva, Vol. 5
1999: ‘Prehistory of Chaklapunji, Sylhet: A Preliminary Study’. In Sylhet:
History & Heritage, edited by Sharifuddin Ahmed. (Jointly with M. M.
Hoque and Seema Hoque).
1998: ‘Semi-precious Stone Beads from Wari and Bateswar’, Journal of Asiatic
Society of Bangladesh, (Jointly with S. Pawankar, M.M.Haque and
S.S.M.Rahman). Humanities, 43(2): 25-37.
1996: ‘Biggyaner Darshan o Pratnatattva Charchar Boiggyanic Vitti: Aktee
Ruporekha’ (Philosophy of science a nd Scientific Basis of Archaeological
Study: An outline).(Jointly with Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan)
Pratnatattva, 3.
1996: ‘Pre-Muslim Settlement and Chronology of Savar Region’. (Jointly with M.
M. Hoque and Shah Sufi Mostafizur Rahman) Pratnatattva, 3.
1995: ‘Dhamrmier Tamra o Tamra Shankar Shilpo: Aktee Nreetattvik
Shamikhksha’ (Copper and Copper Alloy Industry ofDhamrai: An
Ethnological Study). [Jointly with Ashit Boran Paul]. Pratnatattva, 2.
1995: ‘A Study of Formation Processes of Palaeolithic Site at Balwara in the
Narmada Valley of Central India’. Pratnatattva, 2.
1994: ‘A review of Research on Archeological Site Formation Process’
. Pratnatattva, 1.
1989: ‘Bio-geo-chemical Study in the Estuarine Region of Bay of Bengal’
. (Jointly with S. Shafiullah, Jasimuddin Ahmed and Elias Mollah). The
Quest, 1.
1986: ‘Analysis of Gravity Effect of Two Dimensional Vertical Fault Structure
Using Hilbert Transformation’. (Jointly with Mutasim Billah, M
Muniruzzaman. S. M. Azharul Islam, and Moqbul Ahmed)
. Jahangirnagar Review, part-A, vol. 10.
Academic Info
Doctor of Philosophy: Deccan College Post-Graduate
(From 1989 to 1993) Research Institute, Pune, India.
Master of Science: Department of Physics
(From 1981 to 1982) Jahangirnagar University Savar, Dhaka,. Secured First class.
Bachelor of Science: Department of Physics
(From 1978 to 1981) Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Secured First class.
Higher Secondary Certificate: Chandpur Govt. College
(From 1976 to 1977) Comilla Board, Science group Secured Second Division.
Secondary School Certificate: Chandpur Hasan Ali Government High School
(From 1973 to 1975) Comilla Board, Science Group. Secured First Division.
(a) November 2000 and continuing : Professor
Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Classroom teaching: Theoretical &
Practical courses on Geology for
Archaeology, Field Surveys, Geo-archaeology.
Research supervision: Supervised
Several researches on Prehistory,
Geoarchaeology, Preservation, conservation and management of cultural heritage, Theoretical Archaeology at M.Sc, M.Phil &
Ph.D levels.
(b) 11 May, 1996 to November 2000: Associate Professor
Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Classroom teaching: Theoretical
Courses on Prehistory of Africa &
Europe, Field Methods &
Techniques and Field Surveys and
Research supervision: Supervised
Several researches on Prehistory,
Geoarchaeology and Theoretical
Archaeology at M.Sc and M.Phil levels.
(c) 12 July, 1993 to 10 May 1996: Assistant Professor
Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Classroom teaching: Theoretical
Courses on Prehistory of Africa &
Europe, Field Methods &
Techniques and Field Surveys.
(d) 26 May, 1993 to 11 July, 1993: Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Classroom teaching: Theoretical
Courses on Physics at Under
Graduate and Post Graduate levels.
(e) 12 July 1986 to 25 May, 1993: Lecturer
Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Classroom teaching: Theoretical
Courses on Physics at Under
Graduate and Post Graduate levels.
Dr. Sayed Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan
Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: smkamrulahsan@juniv.edu
, ahsansmkju@gmail.com